About Me &
Sweet Excel
I was an ordinary office girl. I spent almost 10 years working on data analysis, planning, and improving processes for luxury hotel business both in Thailand and abroad.
One day I had an idea that I wanted to share knowledge, experiences and skills I have with others. In 2020, I started by opening a Facebook fan page called Sweet Excel, provide a free Excel technique to people wanted to learn.
In addition to helping and sharing things with others, opening Facebook page that day help me discover my passion. I am not trying be an Excel Master who can write extremely difficult formula or having the best technical skills, but I want to make people see that Excel is not only tables and numbers, it can be inspire and beautiful too 🙂
Believe or not…My way of teaching where I use more of picture and color makes it easy for students to focus and understand the content. The teaching material looks fun, not stressful, not sleepy, and has made many people fascinated by it.
Group and Private Online Session
Provide end to end consuling services include but not limited to database, data structure, work process/flow design and presentations. Manage various projects in related to Microsoft Excel and other programs.
Write articles, lessons, share knowledge to the pulbic for free.

I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself for a bit. 🙂
My name is “May” or you can call me “MD”. I started working in the hotel industry as a Front Office employee. After a few years, I found myself interested in quality improvement jobs and has working in that field since then.
Analyzing data, making presentations, communicating with department heads and Corporate Office, initiating projects, establishing new systems, implementing new technology that makes work easier or more effective in the long term, following up and improving it until the problem is solved was my main focus for the past 8 years as a hotelier.
Sweet Excel Facebook page and this website happen after I asked myself a question, what do I really like about my job? I like numbers, computers, technology, analyzing data, But I also love art, love presentation and beauty.
I like to teach, like to explain, share things and feel proud every time I can make a person understand what he/she didn’t before.
All together, the answer I get is the starting point of Sweet Excel Facebook page and this website.
Thank you for every Like, every Share and every Follow. 🙏